Valentine's Dinner
Saturday, February 15th at 4:30 in Duerson Hall. Catered by Vito's - $12 per person. Sign up in Duerson Hall or contact Coral Losinski.
Extraordinary Women Conference
October 11-12 in Lynchburg. Tickets are on sale now. Contact Mindy Ward for more information.
End Times Living Bible Study
1 & 2 Peter 1st and 3rd Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm Starts - September 4 When our culture is described as post – Christian and truth is considered relative and defined by the individual, then we are living in the end times. How does a Christian live in the end times when the world feels uncomfortable, and it seems you are both outnumbered and out of sync with those around you? The apostle Peter’s relevant words to a church under the stress of persecution are still valid for the stress of our times. Words of truth and encouragement provide the basis for navigating end times living. Bring a Bible and we will dig in.
Elk Creek Book Study
The new book study will begin Wednesday the 28th of August at 6:45 PM. The new book is Experiencing God (the 2021 edition) by Henry Blackaby and others. If you are new to the church, or simply have not attended the Wednesday night study (2nd the 4th Wednesday of each month, from 6:45-PM-8:00 PM), please consider visiting the upcoming book study and checking it out. You may find it of interest, maybe not. It's OK either way. We have found it to be a great way to get to know and experience the Elk Creek Baptist Church fellowship. Each person is responsible for ordering their own book. Books are available from Amazon or If you have questions please contact Tony Wilson, [email protected] or 540-748-1159.
Sunday School
Meets every Sunday at 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall. For more information contact Tony Wilson, 540-748-1159, [email protected] or contact Wayne Frazier, 703-217-3564, [email protected] for assistance.
Call for Newsletter Material
If you would like to submit information for the ECBC Newsletter please send your inputs and photos to [email protected] by the 20th of each month.