Baptist General Assembly of Virginia - The Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV) is a cooperative missions and ministry organization that consists of over 1,400 autonomous churches in the Commonwealth of Virginia and across the globe.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship - A Christian Network that helps people put their faith to practice through ministry efforts, global missions and a broad community of support.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia - Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Virginia is a Christian network of churches and individuals motivated by Jesus Christ; inspired by our unique Baptist heritage; invested in forming healthy congregations; committed to mission engagement at home and abroad; and sustained by partnership and collaboration.
Goshen Baptist Association - An association of Baptist churches in Virginia dedicated to joining resources for the purpose of spreading the Good News to our communities and beyond.
RuraLove Ministries - RuraLove helps the church meet physical needs through donations of clothing, food, furniture, etc., and asks the church to continue to visit and build relationships with the family in hopes to also meet spiritual needs.
Bible Trivia - Test your knowledge of the Good Book through this carefully curated set of Bible questions... Have fun!